Sunday, May 23, 2010

3 Cardinal Rules of Web Site Design

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The internet is a great resource for web site design tools that you can either purchase or download for free. While this works for people and companies who have limited budget to spend on building their own website, this also enables them to make the mistake of setting up websites that simply don't work or that turn people off. If you are thinking about venturing into designing your own web site, remember these three cardinal rules:

First, write compelling content. The whole point of having a web site is to have a place where people can go to for information or communicate with you. Your web site design should serve these purposes. If you don't want to invest in fancy website works, at least invest in a good an compelling copy. Make sure that the copy is written in such a way that users will know what they need to know, and will know how to contact your for more information.

Second, avoid putting too much fancy effects. Interactive is good, although this is something that you might want to consider having later. But flashy, sparkling, moving and everything animated will only cramp the web site and take your reader's attention away from the really important things: your messaging. Keep your site simple and easy to read, and people will keep coming back for more.

Finally, keep the convenience your readers in mind. Do not bury important information in multiple levels pages. Remember that web surfers have very limited attention spans. And if they have to click through your web site for five or so minutes before they can get the information that they need, this is not a good sign. For utmost convenience, have a site map that lists down every page in the site for easy reference.

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