Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Creative Crafts for a Special Birthday

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There are plenty of crafts that you can do to celebrate someone's birthday. You can use them for a present, or you can decorate a party with the themed crafts. What you do is solely up to you. The main point of making things homemade for someone's birthday is that it shows effort and love that can't be shown with store-made items. Crafts are thoughtful and always appreciated.

Some people who are having a birthday prefer that they get store bought items for presents instead of crafts. It's important to comply with their wishes as this is their birthday after all. You can still add a handcrafted element to what you give them, though. For example, you could buy them a book, but that wrap it really creatively. Use ribbon and buttons and all manner of stylish design elements to make your present stand out from all others. This will add extra flair. Your friend will be getting what they asked for while also seeing how much you care about them.

There are also crafts you can do for the actual birthday party. The decorations are a great way to show off your crafting ability. Sure, you can buy all of the decorations from a party store, but it means a lot more if you make them yourself. Be sure to make a sign to put on the wall, as well as other random decorations. You can also craft gift bags for the guests. Be as creative as you possibly can in order to make this day memorable.

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